Man, today was hot. Biking home from work was all manner of sticky and sweaty. And I don’t know what it was, but I’m thinking there must’ve been, like, an 18-wheeler FULL of durian that tipped over somewhere. If you’ve ever smelled it, you know what I mean. Whoo boy!

Even with the stench, a lot of people were out walking. There was a pretty good breeze going, so I could understand that. (Certainly didn’t help that the same wind was blowing the stomach-turning smell of durian around.) People sure weren’t moving very quickly, though. Just kind of lumbering up and down the streets.

The roads were surprisingly empty. I was expecting more people to commute home via their air-conditioned cars, to tell the truth. I still managed to hit almost every single light on my way home. I guess people were jealous that I had wheels or something, because they kept getting too close when I was stopped. Unfriendly lot down here in the South Bay. No, “Hi! Nice day. Pretty warm. Huh, what’s that rotting flesh smell?” Just a lot of “Urghhhhhhh blerghhhhhhhhh.” And “Glrghhhhh brawn.” Well, I am looking pretty ripped. Been almost three months since I started the bike commute, after all.

Got home, took a shower, nuked a burrito, and waited for the guys to come over for D&D. Oh, there’s the doorbell now.

Wait, what?!


(This horribly written bit of fiction is brought to you by Blog Like It’s the End of the World.)

My apologies for being absent from the blog. Between sewing and moving (yes, again), I haven’t had time to really do anything of interest. I’ll be free in August.


I guess it had to happen sometime. I fell off my bike yesterday coming home from work. Moving from road to sidewalk, my wheel went into a groove and I pitched onto the sidewalk. I scraped up my wrists and bruised the crap out of myself. I have a nifty little polka-dot pattern on my right shoulder from the lining of my windbreaker. It’s funny, because it was pretty hot here yesterday (93F) and I was boiling in my jeans and jacket. While I was falling, I thought, “Ohthankgodlongpants. But why aren’t I wearing my gloves?!” There would have been a lot more blood if I had been wearing shorts. Bruising is preferable!

I’m very sore today.

(And yeah, I know- “Boohoo, you fell off your bike. Suck it up!”)

No cooking for Sarah. Bad Sarah.

Jer, Zed, and I tried Potsticker King on Friday. Apart from some weirdness with our waiter, who would not let me order the Sweet Rice Sausage and instead made me get the Sticky Rice Cone, it was pretty decent.

I was going to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival up in San Francisco yesterday to meet up with Lydia and check out the cosplay events. But I couldn’t find anyone to carpool with, and last year I drove up, spent about an hour failing to find parking, and drove back home, annoyed beyond belief. So I skipped it. Instead, I biked up to Mountain View and had a giant burrito at Los Charros, more than negating any good effect the biking may have done for me. Tasty!

Then I went with R☆ and Zed to Chili’s for dinner. My salad was lamer than usual (not much lettuce but a ton of croutons), but our waiter kept up with my Diet Coke consumption like a pro. So thank you, Peter from the Cupertino Chili’s.

I started a new costume on Saturday. I need to make a dress and a shrug, plus some accessories. It’s been pretty tough so far, but hopefully I’ll have something done by the end of the week.

Nothing new on the cooking front, I’m sad to say. I have a box of matzoh that needs using, so I was thinking about making the matzoh kugel my mom made for the seder. It was really, really tasty. Also excellent were the lamb chops my dad made. He used a mixture of matzoh crumbs, mustard, rosemary, oregano, and garlic on them. So good!

I started biking to work last week. It takes roughly forever (where forever equals an hour each way), but it’s good for me to do some sort of physical activity besides walking to McDonald’s. Before last week, I hadn’t ridden a bike in eight or nine years. Last week (and probably this week, too), I was so damn sore. Sitting on a bike hurts a lot more than I remember.

I signed up for a YouTube account the weekend before last. I’m very slowly capturing and uploading The Marvelous Land of Oz, a (surprisingly faithful) musical version of L. Frank Baum’s second Oz book. The sound and picture quality is pretty terrible, since this is a homemade VHS copy from a 1981 production.

After I finish this, I’m planning on uploading an Oz/Baum documentary and then a fairly rare Douglas Adams special.

Kiddo’s birthday party was yesterday, and it was great fun. Barbara May and her family had made a ridiculous cake, as usual. 🙂 It was a tall cake, with four faces, and it rotated so that you could pair up different heads, bodies, and legs in the manner of a children’s book.

I brought along my bean dip and liptauer, as well as some syrup for drinks that didn’t get used because I couldn’t find club soda at Target. I didn’t really have high hopes for it, anyway.

Last weekend, my roommates went to Dave and Buster’s, an arcade/bar/restaurant thing. They got a lot of tickets on the machines and exchanged them for a large plush Batman figure, which they then gave to me. I noticed that Batman was just about the same height as my American Girl dolls (even though his head is tiny in comparison). And that discovery led to Batman attending a tea party. Hurray!